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We Are Saints

Our Mission: Called as friends of Jesus Christ and led by the knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we gather to honor and praise God the Father.

Our Vision: St. Louis and its community will be a light, rooted in our Catholic faith and bound together by our shared experiences. The education will be unmatched, and our Saints will share a camaraderie that, regardless of grade classification or group affiliation, will remain for a lifetime. Every graduate will excel spiritually, socially and professionally as they remain positively tethered to St. Louis Catholic High School, a place they can always call home.

Our Mantra: Honor and Praise God…In All Ways

Our History: St. Louis Catholic High School is an educational center for the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lake Charles. Formed from its parent institutions, St. Charles Academy, Sacred Heart High School, and Landry Memorial, the first graduation was held in 1971. St. Louis Catholic High School continues a long tradition of providing its students with a Catholic education. St. Louis Catholic is named after King Louis IX of France and patron saint of Louisiana and Msgr. Louis Boudreaux.

Our Philosophy: The school, supporting the parents as the primary educators, strives to create an atmosphere in which the students value God and develop their own giftedness in order to take their respective places in the global community as responsible Catholic Christians. To accomplish this task each student is encouraged to be intellectually, morally, physically, socially, and spiritually prepared. St. Louis Catholic High School is dedicated to the ideals of a living faith community in which mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual responsibility are lived examples for all as we model our teacher, Jesus Christ.

Our Pillars


Providing a space for intentional conservation, meaningful relationships, and real recreation.


Taking the time to contemplate creation and its creator.
Knowing who we are, as sons and daughters of a loving god.


Imitating him, who came "Not to be served, but to serve." Matthew 20:28


St. Louis Catholic High School seeks to form our students with 4 pillars—Wonder, Identity, Community, Service. These 4 pillars were discerned through our rich history, the comments and conversations gathered from our strategic visioning and Church teaching. They also are identified as areas that are increasingly compromised in today’s culture. Our Rector, Very Reverend Ruben J. Buller ’00  shares his thoughts on our pillars.

Human beings, especially small children, never tire of asking why. Apart from our screens, where we are face to face with the natural world and one another, we experience a natural sense of wonder. Our world is literally filled with mysteries – from the study of tiny cells and molecules, to the hundreds of bones and muscles in the human anatomy, to the billions of stars in the night sky, to the satisfaction of a meal over a fire and the joy of a newborn baby. Everything around us is shouting encounter.

With so much in our consumer culture suppressing this natural desire, it is important that our Catholic environment teach others how to see the mystery in every event. This involves intentional time spent outdoors, incorporating more silence into our day, and allowing our curriculum to foster reverence for life and its Creator. For our part, we can begin to foster this already by slowing down to notice the gift of each person and each moment.

Confusion reigns in our world. Young people today are asking “Who am I?” Because of relativism and identity movements, people are losing touch with the beautiful reality of the human person created in God’s image and likeness. But our identity is not something we have to assign to ourselves. It is already stamped in our bodies and souls. We are destined to share in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. And for the baptized, we already belong to God’s family as His adopted sons and daughters.

Included in this pillar are topics like: true vs. false freedom, maximizing your full potential in becoming a saint, connecting to your Father in prayer, among others. St. Paul writes in Romans that “We did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but rather a spirit of adoption in which we cry out, ‘Abba, Father!’” (8:15). Knowing that we belong to a royal family, with all its rights and privileges, is one thing. Knowing that we belong to the family of the God of heaven with all its rights and privileges is a much greater matter.

It is not good for man to be alone. If our identity is found in God, then our identity is related to the original communion of persons in God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Even the pre-Christian philosopher Aristotle noticed that human beings were “social animals.” The fact that we live in families, towns, schools, and societies is not something imposed from the outside; rather, it is natural to us.

Community feeds a vital part of us and allows us to flourish properly as human beings. We know that relationships come before work, but too often we get our priorities backward. Modern society constantly encourages this by reducing persons to isolated individuals. Despite millions of people bumping into each other all the time, interaction with each other is breaking down all the time. As an extension of the family, schools are perfect environments to rebuild authentic human community. We can therefore do our part to rebuild by providing space for intentional conversation, small groups, and real recreation.

Part of the fallout from a culture of isolation is self-seeking. Yet this leaves people empty and unfulfilled. St. John Paul II writes that “Man only finds himself by making a sincere gift of himself.” Putting oneself at the service of others and the community leads to real joy, and it creates an environment that attracts others. It’s incredible to watch communities come together in times of disaster or need. In seeing people at their best, we are moved with a sense that this must somehow be a taste of the heavenly kingdom.

As a school, we can be more intentional about the call to serve. Opportunities abound everywhere – from taking care to keep the grounds and common areas clean, to befriending our Transitions students, to assisting at the Sacred Liturgy, to helping the local poor. As Mother Teresa reminds us, the fruit of service is peace. Like the other three pillars, service provides a unique opportunity to encounter Christ hidden in the other. We also find fulfillment by imitating Him, who came “not to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28).

In closing, I again want to draw our attention to the school’s great mascot. We call ourselves “the Saints,” not only because it’s a great Louisiana team name, but because it is our deepest identity and our great “high calling.” Jesus spoke about this call in the Gospel of Matthew: “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (5:48). This word “perfect” does not mean that we never make mistakes; rather it refers to completion – fulfillment. One rendering of the Latin word perfectum might be “fully cooked.” (There’s another great Louisiana image!) Saints are fully cooked – they have fulfilled their purpose for which God created them.

These four “ingredients” are by no means exhaustive. But I do believe they provide a solid way forward to that goal. Please join me in praying over these pillars and how we as a community can bring them to life at St. Louis Catholic.

Principal’s Message

Kelly DeMolle ’99, Principal

Dear St. Louis Catholic High School Community,

It is with great joy and excitement that I take on the role of principal of our beloved school. I am truly honored to be back in this wonderful community, and I look forward to getting to better know the students, faculty and community.

Rest assured, our school and its members are here to serve with a deep commitment to the values and traditions of our Catholic faith, and a passion for providing an excellent education and positive experience for our students. I believe together, that we can continue to build upon the strong foundation that has been laid before us, and work toward further promoting St. Louis Catholic as both academically rigorous and spiritually enriching.

While the four pillars of our St. Louis are Community, Wonder, Identity and Service, this year we will be focusing on Service. Father Caraway has best captured our focus of Service with this year’s focused scripture, “…whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me” Mt 25:40. The scripture perfectly defines our faith and our school’s mission: ‘Called as friends of Jesus Christ and led by knowledge and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, we gather to honor and praise God the Father.’ What better way to honor and praise God than by serving others?! 

The faculty and staff of St. Louis Catholic is committed to fostering a culture of respect, kindness, and collaboration within our school community, and I believe that each and every one of us plays a vital role in the success of our school. We are eager to work alongside you to ensure that our students receive the best possible education and receive all the tools needed to foster their own spiritual growth.

Please know, I am here to listen, learn, and lead with integrity and compassion. I am excited to embark on this journey with all of you, and I am confident that together, we can achieve great things.

I look forward to beginning our work together to continue the tradition of excellence that St. Louis Catholic is known for.

Meet Our Rector

Dear St. Louis Catholic High School Community,

As we launch our new website, I would like to welcome our community and also our visitors to this site. This represents signs of growth and development at St. Louis Catholic High School.

St. Louis Catholic High School has long been a beacon of faith, education, and community. It is a place where young minds are nurtured, character is forged, and lifelong friendships are made. As a graduate of St. Louis, I am truly honored to have returned as rector and now be a part of such a vibrant community.

As we look to the future, my intention is to encourage the opportunities available to our students and to enhance the overall experience at St. Louis. This includes not only academic excellence but also a chief focus on spiritual growth according to the Catholic Tradition, while developing strong interpersonal relationships by extracurricular activities, and the cultivation of a supportive environment where every student can thrive.

I am particularly excited about our plans to improve our facilities. We are attempting to have a campus that fosters learning and creativity whether through upgraded classrooms, state-of-the-art technology, or enhanced outdoor areas for recreational activities. These improvements will not only benefit our current students but will also keep St. Louis as an attractive option for future families.

Additionally, I hope that our programs will continue to include more opportunities for service learning, mentorship, and leadership development. Our students are capable of remarkable things, and it is essential that we provide them with the tools and experiences necessary so that with their God-given talents and abilities they can a positive impact in our world.

Together, we will continue to uphold the values that have made St. Louis Catholic High School a place of excellence.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Let us move forward with enthusiasm, faith, and a shared commitment to making St. Louis Catholic High School the best it can be.

Very Reverend Ruben J. Buller ‘00, Rector

Faculty & Staff

Physical Education Faculty & Head Girls Basketball Coach '09
Art Faculty '98
Social Studies Faculty & Associate Head Girls Soccer Coach '07


We strive to provide a collaborative community that encourages innovation and supports a culture of continuous improvement. St. Louis Catholic High School students excel academically and spiritually due to a vast variety of offerings, including a challenging curriculum, strong faith formation, spiritually infused activities, and advanced technology. Together, our entire community has a shared commitment to success. Working at St. Louis Catholic High School is more than a job. It’s a calling and a place to live your faith openly. You’re invited to participate fully in the dynamic mission and vision of this school.

Open Positions

Teacher Minimum Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Excellent spiritual, educational, communication, and organizational skills
  • Proficient in Microsoft software

Teacher Preferred Qualifications

  • Practicing Catholic
  • Certified to teach in Louisiana
  • Experience in education
  • Ability to assist in various sports

Qualified candidates are to submit a letter of interest, resume, and academic credentials to Emily Pettaway, Dean of Academics.  Click here to download the application.

Please note: The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Lake Charles do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, nationality or ethnic origin.

Contact & Directions

Visit Us

The main entrance for our temporary campus is located on Kirkman Street between 7th & 9th Streets. Please look for the orange, blue, and gray buildings on the north side of the parking lot that runs parallel to Kirkman Street.

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Spreading Roots, Growing Saints!

Following the devastation of Hurricane Laura in 2020, the decision to move the campus was made to ensure the school’s growth and commitment to St. Louis Catholic’s mission. Help support the vision for the future of St. Louis Catholic: a transformative, state-of-the-art campus that will continue to Honor and Praise God in All Ways. Together, we can ensure our school remains a vibrant place for learning and growth for current and future generations of SAINTS!